Concerns and Revelations About Church
There is a grave concern that has been put on my heart very recently. It is a concern that I believe has been there for a long while, but only recently am I realizing it. I worry about my fellow Christian friends. It seems like almost every one I know is losing heart and confused about what in the world God is doing in their lives (myself included). It seems that we are all being attacked by loneliness and confusion. We all yearn for love but when and if we come together it often does not happen.. I know in myself there has been much hesitance to love other people often stemming from both fear and laziness. It seems that pervading mentality of most of us (most of humanity for that matter) is that of me first. Where’s my love? I have caught myself in that attitude so many times it is ridiculous. It would seem from past experience in the church that love would happen so much more easily Perhaps it is because the lifestyle of working in ministry is so rewarding and love-filled that I feel starved for it now. Love and praise was always in abundance at Inland Hills Church (at least if you were in the right crowd) that is one thing we did very well. Now that I live in North County and am in Matthew’s House, everything is so much more do-it-yourself. (My whole life is do-it-yourself) Having a church that way, where we come seeking to fill all our desires, we get our panties in a bunch when it doesn’t turn out that way. A loving community in the most God honoring sense is one that will take a lot of work from everyone involved to maintain. I doesn’t just happen when we come together I have been realizing. It takes action from all of us and encouragement of small steps we take along the way. But most all of course we must seek God out in our own lives. On a more positive note I can begin to see this happening in the lives of people around me. Topics that have been brought up in conversation, invitations that have been extended to one another, just an overall care for one another has been good to see. Also prayer is supremely important. Right now I thank God for the compassion If eel he has placed in my heart for those around me. I rarely have such compassion. I only hope I put it to good use. I pray for our church, God, and for my fellow friends, those who know you, and who don’t. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done.
The Descent
13 years ago