Monday, November 03, 2008

Voting for the "Other"- Embracing the 2nd Commandment at the Polls

In the past few weeks there have been a lot of angry statements flying around about the propositions on tomorrow's ballot. Many churches have also found their way into the argument (so much for separation of church and state). Without going onto all of the vitriol I just wanted to add one thing that I can't stop thinking about: This isn't what Jesus had in mind. Throughout the Bible we see Jesus standing up for those who are oppressed, on the margins of society, and he called us to do the same with our vote. Jesus made the choice to live and die for others he didn't know. We should at least consider them as we step into the polls tomorrow.

There are 2 major propositions on the ballot tomorrow that we need our particular attention.

Prop 8 - eliminates same sex marriage

Jesus lunched with lepers, partied with prostitutes, talked with tax collectors. He accepted them where they were and spoke with them about their lives. He never publicly chastised them or called them unclean, as many of his religious counterparts would have. If you remember the story of the people who were going to stone the adulterer he actually stopped a mob who was going to punish an obviously guilty woman. He knew that he was going to be an outcast soon and he did all he could to protect outcasts who he came in contact with.

It seems a lot of churches have stood up in favor this proposition (and against gay marriage), and I don't believe that was what Jesus intended. Jesus built relationships, he befriended people on the fringes. He did not stand up for abstract principles like "the sanctity of marriage," he stood up for those who no one else would. I can't see any group that is more looked down upon by the church, and our society, than homosexual men and women. So regardless of what your particular views are about same-sex marriage I encourage you to think whether or not a law is the best idea. Instead step out of your comfortable shoes, and view life from the perspective of another person.

Prop 4 - A child getting an abortion must notify parents 48 hours ahead of time

In a recent conversation with a friend she told me that she would be mortified if her daughter had an abortion without telling her, and upon thinking about any future Gonzales babies, I suppose I would feel the same. But I am not the only one who laws effect. I had the privilege to grow up in a loving household where pregnancy, though tough news, would have been handled with care and support by my parents. Many people don't have that luxury. Working at a high school campus I hear and read about an awful lot of kids who are not loved by their parents. If we are to truly love others we must try to understand those who are in the most difficult positions, and give voice to the voiceless.

1 comment:

Ryan Lee Sharp said...

we're not voting on the same props up here but I am grateful for this post.

Hey, aren't you running with Nader?