Monday, July 19, 2010

Contradiction, or Life Imitating Art?

Don't get me wrong I appreciate this piece of art in the hood. I'm just wondering if the placement isn't a little ironic. Wheat pasted on the side of a very busy Urban Outfitters is a mural that, amongst other things, critiques the blind consumer mentality of the average American. Perhaps it is the artistic mastery of Mr. Fairey, a commentary on the people stuck within the of the Urban Outfitter mindset, except that the opposite is in fact happening. While I was admiring and taking pictures many of those who were admiring alongside me decided to browse the  sidewalk sale that Urban Outfitters was having. In essence the artwork condemning consumption is acting like the invisible hand of the market ushering people into vendor of overpriced unescessary goods. I can't imagine that this wasn't the intention of Shepard Fairey, but I'll bet it was a consideration of the owners of the business.

Posted via email from mjgonzales's posterous

1 comment:

brooke said...
